Permission Granted.


Dear Beautiful Ones,

I invite you to sit down, grab a cup of cozy and curl up.

Release the day, the heaviness that may have consumed you.

Let down your hair, the masks that you have worn, and the baggage you have carried upon your shoulders.

While some of that baggage may be yours, I am willing to bet that you are also carrying around others as well. 

It may be past pain, trauma, and grief, or it may be what you envision others are carrying, simply so you can lend your shoulder so they don’t have to go about it alone.

This is a beautiful, and noble effort.-

Yet, this is your permission slip to let it go.

No matter how deeply we care or want to alleviate some of the pain that others may be enduring at this time, we simply can’t.

You can hold space for those loved ones you cherish while they navigate the waves of emotion.

You can be there to lend a shoulder as a place for their head to rest as they sob, as they rage, as they sit blankly with shock. 

You can sit and listen and provide guidance on setting boundaries lovingly or showing themselves compassion first.

And most importantly, you must lead by your own example.

And yes, this may feel just as heavy to let the weight from others go.

You may feel guilty for not picking up some of the slack.

Perhaps you feel like a bad friend, sister, mother, wife for not carrying your share.

Sit with YOUR emotions of guilt, of shame, of failure.

Allow yourself to feel the whirlwind of these emotions take over your heart, your inner world and observe them.

As your soul, I invite you to ask me questions as the swirl within is taking over.

  • What are these emotions really about?

  • What color or words come forward with these feelings?

  • Why do I feel compelled to carry others' emotions on top of my own?

  • What experience led me to believe that others emotions are my responsibility to carry?

  • What is it that I am being asked to do to feel safe with my own emotions at this time?

I invite you to listen to my words as they come forward for you.

They will be fast, you must trust and not overthink.

When overthinking takes over, that is not me speaking, that is your human brain and ego, and not your truth.

I invite you to simply breathe.

Deep breath through your nose, hold it, and exhale all the way to your toes. 

Feel your body sink inward as you release your breath.

Do this as often as you need as you begin to clear the thoughts in your mind and open your heart to receive your truth from me.

If calming the mind doesn’t come easy, even with the breath exercise, I invite you to start with just observing what is coming up.

Take notes, go slowly and don’t force anything you are not ready for.

This is ok. This is safe to do. This is you taking the step to connect to your inner world and begin the healing journey.

This process is not a quick one nor does it have a timeline.

Together, we will journey together through the depths, in time.

I am here for you.

I am you.

I am ready to meet you fully <3

Permission granted, love.


The whispers from your soul

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Healing is your Birthright.


A season of grief + comfort.